I think the meaning of Saturday has changed a lot over the years. For me, at least. Scroll back several years into my teens and you'd probably find me still sleeping soundly at this nine-something am time of morning. Scroll forward a bit and early parenthood would probably still find me trying to sleep just as long as possible, probably with a wiggly Micah crawling all over me in bed, as was his custom. Now Micah is bigger, and the children are getting old enough to really seize the day and have fun, not just be entertained.
Today, it's a good Saturday. After a very full week of parenting, mostly solo, Jesse is here. Since he was off in time for our church's fish fry last night, we had a nice little dose of "outing" and now we're hitting the Family Time agenda with all our vigor. Dad and Son are off to procure donuts, much to the delight of every taste bud in this house, and Annie-Bug and I are familiarizing ourselves with the DVR'd options for family viewing later -- so far we've excitedly noted that we have two episodes of The Three Stooges, several selections from The Brady Bunch, and a couple of Looney Tunes. Oh the happy children!
Our day started with the voice of Annie-Joi chattering in her bed at eight o'clock. I pulled myself out of bed and brought her to our room. Jesse and I love to have one-on-one time with the children in the morning when possible (although not too early, please!), and the first child up varies. AJ was the bed bug this morning and she snuggled in with us, giggling and chattering, saying "Hi!" and "I luh-luh!" After a few fun minutes of playing with baby, Daddy got up and took Little Miss to the living room to play while he got his Saturday Morning dose of PS3. I took my time getting out of bed since Micah was still sleeping, then after being summoned when he woke up and informed that "Daddy wants donuts!" from just outside the bathroom door, I hastily dressed Little Man to tag along.
Now I'm dressed, the coffee is started, I'm working (before and after this writing) on a bit of tidying up, and we're waiting here for the boys to return. After spending most of the week working to finish every piece of laundry and necessary housework (well, I got most of the housework done), Mommy is totally ready for a relaxational Saturday.
I'm off to enjoy the coffee, hopefully exactly one donut, and most of all, the day full of my favorite people.
I'm not sure what excursions it will include, or if we'll stay home and clear the DVR, but it's gonna be a good one. I can tell.
I like it! Saturdays are good times. Right now for us they are usually our only chance to try and get together with friends and family, so we frequently either have company or ARE the company ...